Radio, Rep Encounters, Sales, TV

Value Talk: Chapter 3: Media Buying Tips, When a Broadcast Rep Walks Into Your Business

So now you think you are ready for advertising and a radio or TV rep walks into your office.  Usually, they'll come with one of two approaches: 1) "tell me about your business and I'll come up with something I have on the fly that may work with what you need," or 2) "here's my… Continue reading Value Talk: Chapter 3: Media Buying Tips, When a Broadcast Rep Walks Into Your Business

Media, Radio

Is ‘90s Rock No Longer Relevant?

Back in February I wrote how our biggest Classic Rock station switched to a hybrid of ‘90s Rock and Classics.  We learned that the station owners felt this would help them reach a younger demo beginning their family lifestage.  Well, this didn’t last very long.  It’s actually think it’s the shortest amount a station has stayed one format.… Continue reading Is ‘90s Rock No Longer Relevant?

Media, Radio

Unmeasurable? Really? NPR and the fate of low PPMed stations

As most of you had heard, Congress is thinking about removing funding from NPR, which may wipe them off of the planet.  Disclaimer: I am a NPR member so I do feel like I have a special interest in keeping the stations running.  I’m not sure how else I would get my news, science, and… Continue reading Unmeasurable? Really? NPR and the fate of low PPMed stations

Media, Radio

Second to last in Radio Mini-Series: Traffic Sponsorships

One component of radio that I haven’t mentioned yet is traffic sponsorships/billboards.  This is one way to build a ton of frequency.  If you’re in the Orlando market, you know that a local lawyer uses this when buying five seconds of time between songs and asking a one worded question and then answering it with… Continue reading Second to last in Radio Mini-Series: Traffic Sponsorships

Media, Radio

Hey Radio, what else you got?

Even before PPM (Personal People Meters) started rolling out across the country,  I never had “enough” money to be able to go into a market, buy the top 5 radio stations, strong-arm the stations into really cheap rates, and call it a day (I’ve only heard of national buyers doing this, by the way, could… Continue reading Hey Radio, what else you got?