Health & Wellness, Leadership, Life Lately, Status Update

Importance of Setting Goals

Hi everyone!

It’s been a little while since I’ve written. Per usual, much of my writing/creative time is used with being the CMO of my company. And we’ve written and created a lot of great stuff (shameless plugs: check out our YouTube channel and blog)!

But I’m writing this today because it flowed so easily out of my head when I was asked to complete this exercise that I knew it was worth sharing.

I attended a local Network In Action meeting last week as a guest. I used to be in BNI, and this group is kind of like that, but also kind of not (if you ask me, I’ll share my thoughts). One of the different things they did was have an activity that started in self-reflection, moved to small group discussion, and then to an entire group debrief (which is my favorite way to run facilitation and have people learn and retain information).

The exercise was about the “7 Circles” of your life and asked us to think about why the actual act of setting goals in each of these circles is so important. Here are my thoughts! I believe this will inspire you to take some self-reflection time but also let you learn a little more about me and how I’m flowing through life.

The 7 Circles of Your Life

Your Spiritual Life
It’s important to have a North Star for your soul. We’re human beings, not human doings. Do you have a growth mindset? Are you trying to become a more Highly Evolved Being?

Your Physical Health
We only have one vessel to take us through our life. If we take good care of it, it will take good care of us! I like Dr. Gundry’s saying, “Die young at a ripe old age.”

Your Personal Life
Work is only a fraction of life. Having interests outside of work brings you a range and robustness to your ability to think through problems and work and devise better ways to solve them. Solutions never come from looking at the data like you always have!

Your Key Relationships
Loving who you work with and being with who you love allows for more warm fuzzies (oxytocin) and high vibrations, which only leads to better flow in all of your life!

Your Job
Whatever role you have, whether internally facing or externally representing a company, you have customers. Setting goals on increasing your customers’ satisfaction will only make you better and more thoughtful with what you’re doing.

Your Business
If you have a business, it’s important to know where you’ve been, where you want to go, and how you’ll get there. Most of the time, that’s looking at your Revenue, Operating, Marketing, and People goals. Sometimes, it’s looking at yourself and your habits as a technician, manager, and entrepreneur. Luckily, I have just the thing for you if you want guidance in developing the paths or the goals. 🙂

Your Finances
Especially if you have two people spending the money, you must keep clear lines of communication open and have goals for what you want to do with your pile of money. Not having goals and not talking about them to each other will leave you wondering where all of the money went. Have regular Family Business meetings to review where you’re at, where you want to go, and if you’re on track to get there!

Namaste, and keep learning,


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