Dad’s Favorite TV Shows Ever

Happy birthday, Dad!  In honor of this special 60th birthday, I wanted to help you revisit all of your favorite TV shows, some of which also became favorites of mine.  Does anyone remember some of these oldie but goodies?

I remember being a little girl and watching these with him having no idea that when he was a little boy he enjoyed them as much (or even more) than me.  We even still get a kick out of them, watching them on YouTube together!

The one above and the one below were watched so much at my house on Nick at Nite that other girls at my elementary school and I would act out the episodes during the after-school program.  I was, of course, both Agent Smart and Mork.

I was a little bit too young to watch the next one with my father.  Mom and I would watch TV in the living room and Dad would go to his bedroom and laugh his ass off.

Dad and I watched this so much that I had the theme song memorized.  My old English professor and the high school designated Sheriff’s officer knew this, bid on me during Senior Slave Day, and made me go around to every classroom at the school and sing the song.  I even borrowed Dad’s favorite t-shirt of the show, which he still owns to this day.

The next show is in the link instead of embedding.  I couldn’t find one that allowed me to do that, but it’s TOTALLY worth it if you click through and watch the intro.  If you’ve never heard of it, it’s amazing.  I even bought my Dad the action figure one year for Christmas.  He still has it somewhere.

Dad loves sketch comedy.  This takes sketch to a whole other level with claymation.  We still all laugh over Bitch Pudding (if you have a sense of humor, click here).

And now, Dad is hooked on this show.  He discovered it over at my house one day while perusing Hulu and now has Mom record every episode.  Dad loves it. It does make me laugh, which is the point of a silly show, right?

So happy birthday, Dad!  Now that you have your own smart phone you can watch these over and over again to your heart’s content.  Next up, I’ll show you how to sign up for a YouTube account so you can customize the shows/clips you want to watch so new ones will be available every time you go looking for something funny to watch.  Love you!

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